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Survey: US Workers Lie to Avoid Work Responsibilities during Vacation | 英会話ニュース教材 Daily News Article | オンライン英会話ならレアジョブ英会話
A survey found that nearly half of US workers lie about phone and Internet connectivity on their days off to avoid work responsibilities. Allianz Global Assi...





A survey found that nearly half of US workers lie about phone and Internet connectivity on their days off to avoid work responsibilities.


Allianz Global Assistance, an international travel insurance and services company, surveyed more than a thousand US workers. The survey found that 49% find it acceptable to tell a white lie about Wi-Fi and phone signals to avoid work calls and e-mails while on vacation.

アリアンズ グローバル アシスタンス社によると、今回の調査には1000人を超えるUSのworkerが対象となった。そして実に半分近くが罪のないウソ、つまりWiFiと電話がつながらないと言った経験があったのだ。

According to Daniel Durazo, an Allianz director, employees feel pressured to stay connected to the office even while spending some time off. As a result, they feel the need to lie about their phone and Internet connection.


The survey, called the 2019 Vacation Confidence Index, found that the probability of lying varies among age groups and salary ranges.

2019 Vacation Confidence Indexという調査を通して、こうしたウソの種類は年齢層や給与によっても違いがみられた。

Fifty-nine percent of millennials, aged 18 to 34, are most likely to give an excuse about poor connectivity; 49% of Gen Xers, aged 35 to 54, would use the same excuse; and 32% of Baby Boomers, aged 55 to 75, also find it an acceptable excuse. Workers earning more than $50,000 annually also have a higher tendency to use the excuse compared to those earning less.

18歳から34歳にミレニアル世代の59%はネット接続がよくないという傾向がある。Gen Xer世代は同様に高く29%。Baby Boomerは32%だった。さらに年間5万ドル以上を稼ぐWorkerは、稼ぎの少ない集団よりも、高い割合でウソをついていた。

Despite the tendency to lie, most employees still actually check their work e-mail while on vacation, according to the survey. A common reason is that it makes catching up on work easier. Most employees are also afraid of falling behind tasks, so they prefer to take shorter vacations than longer ones. Additionally, the majority of millennial workers prefer to work even on vacation if it meant they would have more days off in a year.

